The New Testament
Religion - Form IV

Syllabus – Fall 2001

Required Texts/Materials:
*  The Holy Bible
An Introduction to the New Testament, Fr. Denis Farkasfalvy
Textbook Supplement (Study Questions), Fr. Denis Farkasfalvy
*  Handouts (to be distributed through the course of the semester)
*  Notebook (for class notes)
*  Loose-leaf paper (for turning in quizzes/homework)

Major Themes of the Course:
General Introduction/Review

Old Testament:

I. Return from Babylonian Exile/Restoration
     A closer look at the messianic prophecies of Jeremiah and Second
     Exam 1 – Week of Sept. 3 - 7

II.     Summary of Post-Exilic Times
   An survey of Jewish/Pagan cultures and messianic expectations at the
        time of Jesus.
        Exam 2 – Week of Sept. 24 - 28 

New Testament:
III.    What is a "Gospel"?
   A comparative study of the Four Gospel accounts and their distinctive

Exam 3 – Week of Oct. 22 - 26

IV.  Beginning of Jesus' Life and Ministry
    The Infancy Narratives
      Jesus' Baptism
      The Calling of his first disciples

   Exam 4 – Week of Nov. 12 - 16

V.     The Preaching of Jesus:  Parables of the Kingdom
  A survey of Jesus' use of parables in his ministry and an analysis of
      several key parables regarding the Kingdom of God.

Parable Project:  Students will be assigned a parable from the Gospels
      and are asked to present a detailed parable analysis highlighting their
      own reflections and insights.  The Project is intended to re-enforce basic
      research and writing skills, as well as helping students develop a greater
      familiarity with the use of concordances, biblical commentaries, and
      other resources for gaining further insight into a text.

   Exam 5 – Week of Dec. 10 - 14

Review for Semester Exam - Week of Dec. 6 - 10

Independent Bible Reading
Students are expected to complement material discussed in class through independent biblical reading.  Through the course of the Fall Semester students must read excerpts (approx. 1 chapter) from the Gospel of St. Mark on a weekly basis.  Students will be quizzed on the assigned chapter at the beginning of each Thursday class.

60%        Average of six chapter exams, 1 semester             
                exam, and Parable Project (semester exam and 
                Project will be weighed as two chapter exams)

30%       Average of daily quizzes/homework               
                (homework includes a weekly reading of the Acts of 
                the Apostles)
10%       Class Participation

The Bible itself is the primary source for the course this semester with the textbook and class discussions as merely means to better understand the New Testament.  Students will be held responsible for material treated in the textbook as well as information treated in class discussion.  Personal reflection and outside of class discussions on the New Testament with classmates and family is a fundamental aim of the course.

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