Moral Theology
Spring 2007


The Holy Bible
*  R. Kereszty, Basics of Catholic Moral Theology
*  Photocopied reading selections from various authors/sources

Major Themes:
General Introduction to the Semester
I.    Chapter 4 (continued):  Living the Christian Life
                                          (The Supernatural Virtue of Love)
II.   Chapter 5:  Other Virtues in Relationship to Love
Exam 1 – Week of Jan. 22

III.  Part II, Chapter 1:  Prayer and the Eucharist
             Exam 3 – Week of Feb. 12

IV.  Part II, Chapter 2-3:  Relationship to Parents/
             Exam 4 – Week of Mar. 5

V.  Part II, Chapter 4:  Marriage and Celibacy
             Exam 5 – Week of Apr. 9

VI. Part II, Chapter 5:  Value of Human Life
             Exam 5 – Week of May 7

VII. Part II, Chapter 6:  Value of the Material World

   Semester Review
    Semester Exam

Course Method:
The course seeks to offer a basic understanding of Catholic Moral teaching and to stimulate interest in man’s proper response to God’s generous self-revelation of Infinite Love.  Class discussion will presuppose that each student has completed the assigned readings from the textbook/handouts and have answered the accompanying review questions for each class.  To encourage active participation and to ensure comprehension of the material, most every class will begin with a short quiz.  Personal reflection and independent study with classmates and/or family members is a primary aim of the course.

The average of quizzes/homework will count for 30%, the average of exams and semester paper as 60%, and class participation will account for 10% of the final grade.  The final exam and semester paper each count as two regular test grades.

Independent Reading:
To compliment much that will be discussed in moral theology and also to help foster habits of regular spiritual reading, each student will be assigned approx. one-two chapters from an Epistle of the New Testament each week.  On the quiz beginning each Wednesday class, students should expect at least two or three questions about the assigned chapter, in addition to questions pertaining to class discussion or homework.  A semester schedule of assigned chapters will be distributed the first week of classes and will be posted on this website.

Semester Panel Discussion:
Students are asked in the Spring semester to choose and to investigate more thoroughly one aspect of Catholic moral theology in the context of a current issue in the news.  The purpose of the project is to help students develop the skills of research and logic to address more fully some of the more complex and pressing ethical questions of the day.  One is required to identify and clearly articulate the moral issues/opinions involved in the chosen topic, including opposing arguments.  Working with another student, he is to present his assigned side of the argument for 10 minutes, then offer a rebuttal to the other position for 5 minutes, and finally respond with his other panelists to questions from classmates for the reminder of class.  In his presentation, students should demonstrate a proficiency in utilizing the Bible, a Concordance, the Documents of Vatican Council II, the Catholic Catechism, and similar resources to apply adequately Catholic moral teaching.

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