Marty Nocos Rico
Home:  Philippines
Age:    10 years old (dob. July 25, 1989)

Parents: Bernardo Rico, father
            Jeany Nocos, mother

Brothers and Sisters:  Jenard  (age 11) - brother
                                         Hazel    (age 8) - sister
                                         Rafael  (age 5) - brother
                                         Rizza  (age 2) - brother

Languages Spoken:    Bicol/Tagalog
Favorite Subject:           Mathematics
Favorite Sport:              Volleyball

Jobs at Home:  dish washing/fetching water
Housing:  No running water
                  No electricity
                  No latrine
                  Firewood stove
                  Wooden bed/mats

Approx. monthly family income:  $30.20
Benefits received from sponsorship:
           Christian Formation
                  Medical Attention
                  Dental Attention

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